Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Top 5 Interview Tips No One Mentions

Tips From Recruiters, Hiring Managers and Coaches

November 3, 2010

By now, we've all heard the same oft-repeated recommendations for acing a job
Study your resume so no one can stump you on its claims. Practice your answers ahead of time. Break the ice by mentioning a hobby, alma mater or former city of residence that you and your interviewer share. Ask plenty of questions. Take notes if you have to. Look sharp. Don't fidget. Ooze enthusiasm. Be polite to receptionists and assistants. Turn off your cell phone. Don't show up drunk, gassy, sweaty or accompanied by your mom. Send a thank-you note after the fact.
But what about the lesser-known interviewing code of conduct? If you're new to job hunting or you've been out of the interviewing loop for a decade or two, you'll likely have countless questions -- for example: How long should my answers be? What should I do with my hands when I'm talking? What emergency provisions should I bring? How can I let them know I'm ready to start on Monday without sounding like a total suck-up?
For insider suggestions, I polled dozens of recruiters, hiring managers and interview coaches. Their top tips follow.

Talk in Bullet Points

"Sometimes the most tricky interview question is 'Tell me a little bit about yourself,'" said Rahul Yohd, an executive recruiter with the firm Link Legal Search Group in Dallas.
"This is one of the most critical questions in any interview, not only because it is usually one of the first questions asked, but because it is one of the few times in the interview where you can take control," he said. Unfortunately, he added, "It's almost impossible to effectively condense your entire life into a 60- to 90-second response."
To avoid crossing the line between informative answer and off-the-rails ramble, Yohd recommends "scripting out" your response and rehearsing it aloud until perfect.
"Bullet-point out the four to six areas of your life, mostly professional, that you feel will be important for the interviewer to know about," he explained. "Then refine it to where the answer takes no longer than 60 to 90 seconds to deliver."

Pay Attention to Body Language

There's being animated in the interview, and then there's punctuating every sentence you utter with jazz hands. To strike the right balance, Lisa McDonald of Career Polish, Inc., a job search consulting firm based in Fishers, Ind., recommends mimicking your interviewer "to make sure your body language does not overpower theirs."
For all the big "hand talkers" out there, McDonald offers this advice: "Put the tip of your middle finger to the tip of your thumb and press your fingernail into the pad of your thumb. This helps you be aware of your hands without being noticeable."
On the flip side, introverts should pay attention to whether they're actually making eye contact with their interviewer -- a must if you want to come across as reliable and confident.
"It sounds so basic, but try video-taping a mock interview and see whether or not you are actually comfortable with this," said Corinne Gregory, president of SocialSmarts, a consultancy based in Bellevue, Wash. that helps people hone their social skills. "You'll probably find you are looking around, looking away much more than you think you are."
Fortunately, Gregory has an easy remedy: "Look [your interviewer] in the eyes when you begin a point, then look just below the eyes or to one side of the nose. Finish by looking the person in the eyes again at the end of your statement."

Assemble a Survival Kit

It may sound simple, but if you haven't interviewed in a couple of years, it's all too easy to leave the house without change for the parking meter or any other interviewing essentials. For this reason, experts suggest assembling a survival kit ahead of time and leaving it in your car or briefcase. Among the necessary items:
  • Map (or GPS), cash, change and a full tank of gas.
  • Bottled water and non-perishable snack in case your interview runs longer than expected.
  • Breath mints, toothpicks, deodorant, a spare shirt, stain removal stick, hair brush, lip balm, and any other grooming items you routinely use.
  • Tissues and hand sanitizer if you're getting over a cold.
  • Pen and notepad so you can take notes and bring along a cheat sheet of interviewer names and titles, questions to ask and those bullet points about your career I mentioned earlier.
  • Extra business cards and copies of your resume, references, work samples and any presentations you plan to give.
Ooze Enthusiasm
"I regularly hear of hiring managers who select a less qualified candidate because they liked the person's energy," said Debra Yergen, author of "Creating Job Security Resource Guide". "They liked their ideas. And they liked their enthusiasm. It's one of the top influencers in an interview."
Of course, when you've been interviewing for 6, 12 or 18 months, putting on a happy face is sometimes easier said than done. If you fall into this camp, Yergen has a suggestion: "Listen to a song or look at a picture or provide yourself a prop that you know will make you smile, laugh and feel good. Use that prop right before the interview and you won't believe the difference it will make."
Those hard-pressed to find a happiness prop might try envisioning that stack of past-due bills on their kitchen table all paid off. That ought to tease out a genuine smile.
End with a Zinger
Closing the interview can be tough. You want to let the hiring manager know you're excited about the position and you want to ask -- without sounding desperate -- when you can expect to hear from them next. But you also need to punctuate the meeting with a lasting positive impression.
One way to do so is to close with a question that shows you're already thinking about how you'll succeed in this new position. Alison Green, a management consultant in Washington, D.C. who writes the blog Ask a Manager, recommends this one: "Thinking back to people who have been in this position previously, what differentiated the ones who were good from the ones who were really great?"
"This question excites managers because it signals that you care about being not just good, but truly great," Green explained. Even better, she said, "They've generally never heard anyone ask it before."

Something New Called Focus 2!
Focus 2 is a new program here with Career Services! We are very excited about it.
It helps you decide what your major should be!
OR if you have a job you want it tells you what major would be best!
FOCUS-2 is a self-guided, online career and education planning tool for use by college students.  It will enable you to assess your interests, values, skills, personality, and aspirations as they relate to careers and college majors.  FOCUS-2 is designed to help you choose the best major for you and explore occupations that match your profile.  Students who use FOCUS-2 make better decisions about their goals and plans and learn how to manage their careers.
Be sure to check it out today!

Etiquette Tip of the Week:
In the crowded gate area in the airline terminal there are few empty seats.  A tiny woman with dark hair places her laptop on one seat with her bag in front of it and leaves an empty seat next to it where she plans to sit.  Then she moves to another set of seats and sits and chats with two co-workers.  An older man comes along toting his luggage and makes for the empty seat.  She stops him and says, "Oh no - that's mine."  The man pauses and looks at her sitting in the other seat, then shuffles on.

No one should be able to hog three seats in a crowded gate.

In adult life, there is no such thing as "I called it!"  There is no such thing as "this seat is saved" when the seating area is filled, when the train or bus is filled, when the theater is filled.  If your friend or kin has not arrived, that is not the problem of the person who is there and looking for a place to sit down.  Your bag, no matter what kind of day it's had in the underbelly of the airplane or going through security, does not warrant a seat of its own.

Make room for others.  Place bags on the floor or on your lap.  Give up your own seat for those who are elderly, frail, pregnant, juggling small children or anyone who looks like they could really use it.  Rather than say, "Do you want this seat?" say, "Please take this seat."
As you know, it’s polite to give credit where credit is due. Thus these tips are from

Events for the Week:
Career Mentor Program Reception

Yates Dining Hall

Graduate School Seminar

212 YGCU

Friday, November 12, 2010

Busy Week!

Not-So-Common-Sense Interview Strategies

By Scott Shrum
Perhaps the only thing that stokes anxiety in young job-seekers more than the fear of being jobless is the anticipation of walking into an interview for a coveted job. While applicants have been spoon-fed such mundane advice such as what responses to prepare (hint: skip the obvious questions) and how early to arrive at one’s appointment (another hint: very early is more annoying than impressive), there are some bigger-picture interview best practices that many young job-seekers seem to have overlooked.
While the following strategies may appear to fall into the bucket of “common-sense interview tips,” too many applicants fall short on these basic ideas, suggesting that they must not be all that common. Remembering these key points— and practicing them as much as possible—will go a long way toward making a strong impression with a hiring manager:
Project confidence without arrogance. Generation Y notoriously confuses projecting confidence with projecting arrogance. How to strike a balance between the two? Practice, practice, practice—
ideally in a live setting, with someone you don’t know well (such as a friend of a friend). You will quickly gain a better sense of which jokes are a bit too much, when to push back vs. when to agree, and whether you’re sending the wrong signals to an interviewer. Practice speaking with your interviewer as a peer, rather than as a superior. If you can get comfortable with that, you will be in great shape.
Keep your answers succinct. As a hiring manager, I find nothing worse than watching an interviewee ramble through his or her answers. If you find yourself doing this often, it probably means that you weren’t prepared for the question, or you have an answer but haven’t practiced how to present it in a brief, coherent way. Your answers should be conversational, but should always have a clear beginning, middle and end, and should take no more than a minute or two each. For answers to questions that you know will be longer (such as “Why do you want this job?”), give the interviewer a verbal indication of the length of your answer by saying something like “Well, the three main reasons are… ” and then count them off on your fingers: “One …”
Go in with a short list of things you absolutely must cover. It’s your job to get these critical themes out on the table. For example, if you know an employer particularly values time-management skills, it is imperative that you emphasize that as a strength before the interview concludes. If your time is up and the interviewer never asked you about it, then it’s your fault, not theirs. Many job interviews start off with “Walk me through your resume,” or “Tell me about yourself.” This is your chance to address your key themes right away.
Remember that a good interview is a two-way conversation. Interviewers will vary greatly in their style, but you ideally won’t do all of the talking during your interview. As objective as they mean to be, interviewers are more likely to remember the candidate who told interesting stories or pleasantly surprised them in some way. Comments such as “That’s interesting, tell me more,” and “That’s pretty impressive,” are good signs that you’re getting through to your interviewer. Blank stares and curt “wrap up”-type comments are signs that the two-way dialogue isn’t taking root.
But … it’s still an interview. Ideally, you will be able to strike a smart balance between having an enjoyable conversation and still maintaining the structure of the interview, making sure that your key themes are covered and that the interviewer has answered all of their questions. After all, when the interview is done, the interviewer needs to answer some questions about you, and they can’t do that if you’ve just spent 45 minutes talking about politics and football. Make it enjoyable, but remember that it’s still an interview!
Something New Called Focus 2!
Focus 2 is a new program here with Career Services! We are very excited about it.
It helps you decide what your major should be!
OR if you have a job you want it tells you what major would be best!
FOCUS-2 is a self-guided, online career and education planning tool for use by college students.  It will enable you to assess your interests, values, skills, personality, and aspirations as they relate to careers and college majors.  FOCUS-2 is designed to help you choose the best major for you and explore occupations that match your profile.  Students who use FOCUS-2 make better decisions about their goals and plans and learn how to manage their careers.
Be sure to check it out today!

Etiquette Tip of the Week:
Some people can talk like it is an Olympic sport. When someone repeatedly drops by your office or cubicle and talks non-stop, it can feel like hostage situation, because it ties you up and prevents you from completing business. What can you do?

Smile and say, "I am sorry to interrupt, but I have to focus on this project" or "I need to get back to work." You may add, "Thank you for stopping by." Then continue with your work.  If the person is sitting, stand up, look that person in the eye and play the broken record, "I need to get back to work now."
As you know, it’s polite to give credit where credit is due. Thus these tips are from

Events for the Week:
AAF-KC Career Day

Uptown Theater
Air Force Opportunities

Career Mentor Program Reception

Yates Dining Hall

Friday, November 5, 2010

Enjoy Your Week!

7 Sales Tips For Getting The Job

Friday, November 5, 2010
As a job-seeker, your role is to market your good or service - in this case, yourself - to the buyer who is extending the best offer in exchange. Sound like sales? Essentially, it is. Luckily, the sales profession is full of superstars willing to share their secrets. Below are seven practical sales tips to ensure that you close the job deal every time.
1. Pass the Gatekeeper
Traditionally, gatekeepers have been admins, assistants and, in the case of job-seekers, human resources. With the influence of technology like caller ID, voicemail and email, it's harder, and more critical than ever, to get directly to the hiring manager. The key is to dangle a carrot before they can hit "delete". For job seekers, this means establishing credibility early on and how you'll deliver results. If you have worked for a competitor or have industry expertise, say so upfront. If you don't, reference something noteworthy that has happened in their company recently or research that has just been done in your industry. Doing so shows you are engaged in both the industry and that company in particular.
2. Know Your Audience
Sales people have different pitches for different buyers, and job-seekers should too. Technology today makes it simple to find out the back story on a prospective hiring manager. If their LinkedIn profile indicates a specific company or industry expertise, tailor your pitch to focus on points in your background that will be relevant and personal to them. If you can sense that your interviewer is stressed or time-crunched, don't sit in their office droning on about every point in your resume. State your core objective in the interview early on, and support it with three main points. If the conversation begins to flow and they probe further, elaborate. If not, they'll appreciate and remember your ability to be succinct when needed.
3. Offer Excellent Customer Service
Customer service makes or breaks your chance of getting and keeping customers in sales, and the same is true on the job. In this case, your customers are the person you work for, the teams you work with and external clients. Just as you are more excited about doing business with a company that passionately embodies your mission, so are people you encounter on the job. Radiate enthusiasm and tell prospective employers why you are so interested in the job and company, and how you plan to maintain that level of commitment years into your career. Then, make sure you do just that once you've landed the job.
4. Establish a Relationship With One Key Question
Simply ask your employer "What is it that you want to achieve?" Then use this knowledge to address a proposed solution that your skills and expertise will offer in the position.
5. Always Be Closing
It is not likely that you will be offered a job on the spot (and not a good idea to accept one on the spot, either!) But good sales people are always moving towards the next step needed to close the sale, and so should job-seekers. Towards the end of your conversation, the interviewer will generally ask whether there are any additional questions. Seize this opportunity to close the sale. Just as a salesperson's job is to ask for the order, yours is to ask for the opportunity.
6. Follow Up
Stay top of mind with your interviewee and use your one last chance to make a good impression. Write a simple email within a day of the interview, reiterating what you can do for the company and thanking them for the meeting. Keep it short and to the point. It will express to the employer that you are not only interested, but adept at follow-through.
7. Network in Person
While tools like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter have made it easier than ever to have plenty of social media and business connections, don't forget the power of a face to face conversation. Make a commitment to keep your "living and breathing" network as plentiful as your online ones. Join a club where you'll meet other like-minded professionals, strike up conversations, volunteer, or participate in local business events. While you should focus on just making connections, not specific leads, have a one minute "sound bite" down that will succinctly tell people about yourself. You'd be surprised how just a few minutes of face-to-face time can stick with people down the road.
The Bottom Line
Just as salespeople have formed a routine for effective sales calls, so should you as a job-seeker. Putting these tried and tested tips into practice can help you spend less time and energy looking for jobs, and more into developing the career you want.
Something New Called Focus 2!
Focus 2 is a new program here with Career Services! We are very excited about it.
It helps you decide what your major should be!
OR if you have a job you want it tells you what major would be best!
FOCUS-2 is a self-guided, online career and education planning tool for use by college students.  It will enable you to assess your interests, values, skills, personality, and aspirations as they relate to careers and college majors.  FOCUS-2 is designed to help you choose the best major for you and explore occupations that match your profile.  Students who use FOCUS-2 make better decisions about their goals and plans and learn how to manage their careers.
Be sure to check it out today!

Etiquette Tip of the Week:
When the master of ceremonies introduces the after dinner speaker, all else ceases.  There is no tittering, twittering, dithering or jittering.  Finish eating and sipping coffee before the speaker begins, turn your chair toward the speaker and give the speaker your undivided attention.  No, you may not text under the table.

If your ill-timed dessert arrives after the speaker begins, you may finish it as quietly and unobtrusively as possible. A speaker can be distracted by the clanking of dishes, silverware and glasses or the uttering of "yummy noises." You may not ask the banquet staff to box any part of the meal "to go," nor put food into a plastic baggie in your purse, man-bag or pockets.
As you know, it’s polite to give credit where credit is due. Thus these tips are from

Events for the Week:
AAF-KC Career Day

Uptown Theater
Air Force Opportunities

Career Mentor Program Reception

Yates Dining Hall