Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Quick&Easy Survey

For those of you who recently graduated from Jewell, you have received an email from Career Services about taking the Quick&Easy (Q&E) survey. We have received quite a few responses, and we appreciate your feedback!  If you have not checked your Jewell email or if you have been avoiding sending in your response, please take a few minutes to complete the survey.

The survey basically asks whether you are job hunting, if you have found employment, or if you are continuing your education in graduate school.  It also gives you a chance to update your email to a non-Jewell email so we can get your current information.  For those who have either found a job or are continuing their education we ask that you give us a little info about what exactly you are doing; we love hearing about your new endeavors.

The information we obtain from the Q&E is vital for Jewell, but it also allows us at Career Services to know where former students stand in the job world.

For those individuals still job hunting, be sure and respond as well because you can still stay active or become active with eRecruiting.  You can use eRecruiting to post your resume online to potential employers, and sort through job postings.  New jobs are posted almost daily to eRecruiting, and we can send you jobs that apply to your degree from Jewell.  eRecruiting is a great tool that students seeking employment can use even after graduation.

So if you have not responded to the Q&E, please do so as soon as possible so we can either assist you in your career path or use your information to keep the school up to do date with your future.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My Experience with COL 98

Last semester, I took the COL 98 Career Explorations course as a sophomore.  I was not expecting to learn much from the class, but I was interested in gaining interview skills, and resume help.  A lot of students in the class had not declared a major, or were unsure of what they want to do in the future.  I am a Nonprofit Leadership major, and I have always been sure that is what I should go into, so I was not looking at possible careers.

The first assignment we had to complete was the Focus2 career assessment.  I was honestly dreading having to go through and take a test about my preferences.  The results listed personality types and occupations that could match me and it even took values and skills into consideration.  I scored extremely high in both artistic and social. It made me feel good to score high on social, because Nonprofit Leadership would be considered a social major.  Even though I had a set major, I found these assessments to be interesting and helpful in figuring out my best work environment and what type of job I would be happy at.

In COL 98 we also did a mock interview.  We had to dress in business attire and go in for an actual interview with the teacher; fortunately the interview was private and not in front of other students, so that helped with nervousness.  I found that the feedback the teacher gave me after my interview will be helpful in the future when I go into an actual job interview.  This assignment also helped me figure out what parts of my resume and life experience I want to try and feature in a future interview. 

One of the most helpful parts of this process, for me, was that we had to prepare and bring in a resume to our interview.  I had been putting off making one, and this class gave me the push I needed to go in and finally create my resume and also a cover letter.  We got our resumes back with tips and corrections that are helpful in having a solid resume.  About a week after I got my edited resume back, I was asked to send one in for a prospective internship.  It would not have reflected well on me to not have a resume prepared, and I am thankful I could send mine in promptly.