Tuesday. Oh Tuesday, you were an interesting day. I mean really you were like last minute crazy out of control some how pulled together crisp and clean in the end. Yeah I am that good. Okay so I did have some help but that is beside the point of this.
On Tuesday the first meeting for the Career Mentor Program 2012 started at 5:45. It was the orientation for the start of a whirl wind mentor ship in midst of a whirl wind semester. Talk about going crazy, last semester I thought would never end, now we are in February and the classes are flying by.
Any who the orientation was fantastic and informative as well. I found out the best ways to contact my mentor, and how to have really good first meeting! Needless to say I am stoked to meet my mentor from Hallmark!
At the meeting however I was posed a question, okay well we all were asked the same question, do you have questions for your mentor. So obviously I am nodding yes in response but when the question continued on. Do I have questions that are quick, simple and good for my first time meeting my mentor? The answer in nope. None what so ever, in any way, shape, or form. I am questionless.
So now comes the part of major panic on my part as I walk back to my dorm. I begin to think that the world am I going to be asking this slightly random person that I have never met in my life before that I am being paired with for the next couple of months. Truth be told I had a list of questions, but they are more appropriate for when I am actually working in the mentors field.
I am at a loss what do I ask, how do I ask it, what is good or bad, what if I hit a nerve by complete accident. I know that this is the first time meeting this person so I have to make an impression. I am still not sure exactly what I will be asking my mentor. I hope I have some questions written down before I meet her but who knows. Hopefully by the time I meet my mentor I will be 100% ready for it, but only time will tell... So leggo make some questions.
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